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Time travel with Tubify. In the past rightsholders have responded inconsistently to similar services. Sign in or sign up to upload your press release. If anything, it beats using the traditional YouTube interface. This story appears courtesy of HypeBot. Sign in or sign up to upload and share your publicity or live event photos. tubeify

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How to Get a Free Tubeify Account

Jazz Near You Partners. Most often you get a good quality video, sometimes it is a live recording someone copied from VHS, sometimes it is a guy singing into a webcam and sometimes it is something completely unrelated.

FM and Billboard for data pertaining to music catalogs and then uses that information to tap into content available tubdify Youtube to provide results for searches entered by users.

Currently it is a completely loss-making venture. Time travel with Tubify. Search Reviews by musician. The upside, however, is that YouTube has a huge archive of music with many un licensed tracks.


Another great feature of Tubeify are the top charts that are included, and the ability to pull up charts from previous years, all the way back to The result is a pretty useful mashup of Last. I think there is room for both ad-supported and subscription based services, it all depends on how annoying the ads are and tubsify much you tuheify willing to pay for the service.

A benefit with Grooveshark is that you always get good quality, with Tubeify you get what you get. We sent a confirmation message to.

You can get your invite here should arrive in a few minutesno strings attached. We are looking at the mobile space, but I think we have to wait for the 4G phones before it will work well. Tubeify will show you the music video when possible. Is this one of the best legal tools for listening to albums online?


I started writing Tubeify because I wanted a good Youtube music player for myself, so that goal is getting closer. Sign in or sign up to upload and share your publicity or live event photos.

Tubeify- a new way to consume music: 10 Questions with the platform’s creator

The site allows users to search for, discover, play and queue video clips in any web browser. My Content Membership has its privileges! I can use the data with some restrictions, but I am pretty sure that the way I use it is within their terms of use. Start your music shopping from All About Jazz and you'll support us in the process.

This mashup of Last. Tubeify was kind enough to exclusively share an unlimited amount of invites for TorrentFreak users, that will be handed out for as long as the server holds up.

Tubeify: A 'Historic' Mashup of , Billboard and YouTube - TorrentFreak

Sign in or sign up to upload tubeity MP3 for "Download of the Day" consideration. October 11 and October 12, Search Tracks by musician.

Unlike using just Youtube alone, these results are extremely intuitive, permitting users to play continuous music in queue. Apart from that, you could imagine featuring nearby concerts or up-and-coming local artists and maybe get some kickback. Once I get the result from Last. Can you conceive any reason why YouTube or the other services used would have a problem with your service?

Search Musicians by name. Can you foresee an app that allows use on Android powered mobile devices and iPhones, essentially allowing use within a car?


Review our musician toolkit page. Why did you develop Tubeify? Increasingly, people have started using YouTube as an instant music player.


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